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SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 underpaid cover to Switzerland with 30c SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 underpaid cover to Switzerland with 30c 'postage due' added on arrival.

1947 (DEC.30.) underpaid cover to Germany bearing 1 1/2d adhesive tied PORT DURBAN with Swiss 30c 'Postage Due' added on arrival at WINTERTHUE 4.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1952 inward cover from Kenya struck BY SURFACE/FROM/JOHANNESBURG instructional h/s.SOUTH AFRICA - 1952 inward cover from Kenya struck BY SURFACE/FROM/JOHANNESBURG instructional h/s.

1952 inward '2nd class airmail' cover from Mombasa addressed to Cape Town and struck in transit by scarce violet boxed BY SURFACE/PER LANDPOS/FRO/VANAF/JOHANNESBURG bilingual h/s.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1919 SOUTH AFRICA - 1919 'PASSED CENSOR 19/99' postcard use to Belgium used at DURBAN.

1919 (JAN.20.) use of picture postcard addressed to Belgium depicting 'Durban' bearing 1d adhesive tied by d/r DURBAN cds and with PASSED CENSOR 19/99 strike at left.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1941 3d rate censored cover to USA with EAST LONDON patriotic label applied.SOUTH AFRICA - 1941 3d rate censored cover to USA with EAST LONDON patriotic label applied.

1941 (JUN.15.) commercial cover to USA bearing 3d pictorial single tied by EAST LONDON roller strike. The cover bears a red on cream OPENED BY CENSOR label at left edge with partly ties a copy of the scarce red, white and blue WE REALISE IN/EAST LONDON/BRITISH NAVY patriotic label at lower left. This label was only in use at East London.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1941 3d rate censored cover to USA with EAST LONDON patriotic label applied.SOUTH AFRICA - 1941 3d rate censored cover to USA with EAST LONDON patriotic label applied.

1941 (OCT.25.) commercial cover to USA bearing 3d pictorial single tied by EAST LONDON roller strike. The cover bears a red on cream OPENED BY CENSOR label at left edge with partly ties a copy of the scarce red, white and blue WE REALISE IN/EAST LONDON/BRITISH NAVY patriotic label at lower left. This label was only in use at East London.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1927 inward underpaid postcard from UK with 1d SOUTH AFRICA - 1927 inward underpaid postcard from UK with 1d 'Postage Due' added on arrival.

1927 use of picture postcard inward from the UK & being under paid receiving '1d' tax mark & with 1d POSTAGE DUE applied (SG D12) tied by part CLAREMONT cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1930 inward underpaid postcard from UK with 1d SOUTH AFRICA - 1930 inward underpaid postcard from UK with 1d 'Postage Due' applied on arrival.

1930 inward underpaid postcard from UK (lower right corner folded) struck by KROONSTAD cds on arrival and with 1d 'Postage Due' added.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1946 underpaid cover to USA with scarce intaglio SOUTH AFRICA - 1946 underpaid cover to USA with scarce intaglio 'T/15c' tax mark applied.

1946 (NOV.21.) under paid cover addressed to USA bearing 1 1/2d 'pictorial' single with manuscript 'T' tax mark and scarce circular 'intaglio' 'T/15' handstamp alongside.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1950 underpaid cover to USA with violet SOUTH AFRICA - 1950 underpaid cover to USA with violet 'T/17 1/2c' tax mark applied.

1950 (25.V.) commercial cover addressed to USA bearing 1d 'ship' vertical pair tied by CAPETOWN cds and being under-paid having scarcer T/15 1/2c' unframed tax mark at left.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1937 SOUTH AFRICA - 1937 'Lease' document with 'GV' 2/6d REVENUE (x4) applied.

1937 (JY.1.) 'Lease' document sheet bearing 2/6d REVENUE adhesive (x4) tied by INKONSTE 106 REVENUE cancels.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1945 SOUTH AFRICA - 1945 'Transportakte' document with 6d, 10/- and £2 revenues applied.

1945 (3.4.) 'Transportakte' document sheet bearing 6d pink, 10/- green and £2 green (x2) REVENUE adhesives tied REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES (Registrar of Deeds) cancels.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 use of 4d dark blue censored RPSE to Germany from POW struck HOSTILE COUNTRIES.SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 use of 4d dark blue censored RPSE to Germany from POW struck HOSTILE COUNTRIES.

1915 (APR.6.) use of 4d dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to Germany cancelled by REGISTERED/PIETERMARITZBURG cds. The cover bears part black on pink OPENED BY CENSOR crested censor label and is struck by both PASSED BY CENSOR h/s with rare violet boxed HOSTILE COUNTRIES CENSOR/SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON strike applied on-route. The envelope has edge faults and is opened on one and half sides. Sent from Pietermaritzburg during WW1 from a German inmate.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1914 2 1/2d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1914 2 1/2d rate 'CENSOR/DURBAN' cover to USA.

1914 cover addressed to USA bearing 2 1/2d tied DURBAN with superb violet oval three ringed CENSOR/DURBAN h/s alongside dated 1.DEC.1914.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 5d rate Cape adhesive SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 5d rate Cape adhesive 'CENSOR/CAPETOWN' cover to Switzerland.

1915 (APR.13.) cover addressed to Switzerland bearing Cape Of Good Hope 2 1/2d pair with red on white OPENED BY CENSOR bilingual labels at top and left edge and with additional violet straight lined PASSED BY CENSOR h/s and oval CENSOR/CAPETOWN strikes. Inter-provincial use.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1916 2 1/2d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1916 2 1/2d rate 'PASSED/CENSOR' cover to Switzerland.

1916 (AP.10.) cover addressed to Switzerland bearing 2 1/2d adhesive tied by five lined roller type strike with scarcer violet two lined PASSED/CENSOR handstamp below.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1935 1/- SOUTH AFRICA - 1935 1/- 'CHRISTMAS' tuberculosis label booklet.

1935 1/- 'Christmas Stamps' label BOOKLET complete with two panes of six of the 1d label.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1913 £10 purple and red REVENUE mint.SOUTH AFRICA - 1913 £10 purple and red REVENUE mint.

1913 £10 purple and red REVENUE adhesive in fine mint condition. Barefoot and Hall 16.


1954 (17.VIII.) cover addressed to USA (ex reverse flap) being 3d 'pictorial' single adhesive tied PRETORIA and being underpaid having octagonal 'T/CENTIMES' handstamp applied with '10 1/2' marked in red crayon and struck by black boxed INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID strike.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1916 use of 4d dark blue censored RPSE to Germany from POW struck HOSTILE COUNTRIES.SOUTH AFRICA - 1916 use of 4d dark blue censored RPSE to Germany from POW struck HOSTILE COUNTRIES.

1916 (APR.6.) use of 4d dark blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to Germany cancelled by REGISTERED/PIETERMARITZBURG cds. The cover bears black on pink OPENED BY CENSOR crested censor label and is struck by both PASSED BY CENSOR h/s and boxed PRISONER OF WAR tri lingual strike with rare violet boxed HOSTILE COUNTRIES CENSOR/SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON strike applied on-route. Sent from Maritzburg during WW1 from a German inmate.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 8d rate local cover used at WETSTELIKE P.R.K./WESTERN TPO 4.SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 8d rate local cover used at WETSTELIKE P.R.K./WESTERN TPO 4.

1947 cover addressed to Johannesburg bearing 2d and 6d adhesive singles tied by d/r WETSTELIKE R.P.K./WESTERN TPO 4 cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate local cover used at WESTERN/T.P.O. 5.SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate local cover used at WESTERN/T.P.O. 5.

1947 (FEB.7.) cover addressed locally to Johannesburg bearing a fine 1d bilingual 'ship' pair tied by scarce WESTERN/TPO 5 railway cancellator.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate local cover used at T.P.O./SOUTH 5.SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate local cover used at T.P.O./SOUTH 5.

1947 (APR.2.) cover addressed to Johannesburg bearing 1d adhesive pair tied by TRANSVAAL/ T.P.O. SOUTH 5 cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate local cover used at WESTERN/T.P.O.7.SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate local cover used at WESTERN/T.P.O.7.

1947 (MAY.8.) cover addressed to Johannesburg bearing 1d adhesive pair tied by WESTERN/T.P.O.7 cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1913 1/2d green censored uprated postal stationery wrapper used at GRAHAMSTOWN.SOUTH AFRICA - 1913 1/2d green censored uprated postal stationery wrapper used at GRAHAMSTOWN.

1913 1/2d green on yellowish buff postal stationery wrapper addressed to Holland bearing additional 1/2d 'head' adhesive tied by GRAHAMSTOWN cds dated 24.SEP.16. with black circular PASSED//CENSOR h/s alongside. A scarce censorship of a wrapper. H&G 1.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1913 1d red PSE uprated and registered to UK used at HEIDELBERG/NATAL. H&G 1a.SOUTH AFRICA - 1913 1d red PSE uprated and registered to UK used at HEIDELBERG/NATAL. H&G 1a.

1913 1d red on cream postal stationery envelope (size b) registered to UK and bearing additional 1d and 4d 'head' adhesives tied HEIDELBERG/NATAL and dated 6.JUL.14. A scarcer registered use of this stationery. H&G 1a.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 '1d SOUTH AFRICAN WAR MARKET' label registered cover to UK.

1917 (DEC.4.) registered cover to UK bearing 1/2d, 2 1/2d and 3d adhesives tied by d/r MARKET ST./JOHANNESBURG cds's. The reverse side bears an example of the '1d SOUTH AFRICAN WAR MARKET' fund label in blue and red on cream and is similarly struck. A rare label to find genuinely used on cover.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1918 3d SOUTH AFRICA - 1918 3d 'Our Day' souvenir envelope unused sold to raise funds for the Red Cross.

1918 'Souvenir Envelope' (No.6326) bearing 3d 'Red Cross' OUR DAY/CAPE PENINSULA perforated label. Unused & somewhat worn although a scarce item sold to raise funds for the society on the 'Our Day' Red Cross flights.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1965 2 1/2c rate local cover used at THE BIG HOLE/KIMBERLEY.SOUTH AFRICA - 1965 2 1/2c rate local cover used at THE BIG HOLE/KIMBERLEY.

1965 (3.III.) cover to Johannesburg bearing 2 1/2c adhesive tied by special THE BIG HOLE/ KIMBERLEY cancel.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1967 2 1/2c rate local cover used at HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT.SOUTH AFRICA - 1967 2 1/2c rate local cover used at HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT.

1967 (MAY.30.) local cover (ex flap-vertical central fold) bearing 1c and 1 1/2c adhesives tied HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1965 2 1/2c rate local cover used at HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT.SOUTH AFRICA - 1965 2 1/2c rate local cover used at HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT.

1965 (JAN.2.) local cover (ex flap) bearing 2 1/2c 'ITU' adhesive tied by HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1968 1c rate local cover used at ROCKET RANGE/PO/PK.SOUTH AFRICA - 1968 1c rate local cover used at ROCKET RANGE/PO/PK.

1968 (19.X.) local cover to Fish Hoek bearing 1c adhesive tied ROCKET RANGE/PO/PK.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1943 use of TELEGRAM form complete with original envelope used at DURBAN.SOUTH AFRICA - 1943 use of TELEGRAM form complete with original envelope used at DURBAN.

1943 (MY.7.) use of red on cream (T.27.) POST OFFICE TELEGRAPHS form cancelled by DURBAN/3 cds and complete with original envelope similarly cancelled.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1944 use of TELEGRAM form with original envelope used at DURBAN.SOUTH AFRICA - 1944 use of TELEGRAM form with original envelope used at DURBAN.

1944 (AUG.19.) red on cream (T.27.) POST OFFICE TELEGRAM form cancelled by TELEGRAPH OFFICE/DURBAN cds and complete with the original envelope similarly cancelled.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1913 1d red PSE used locally ay FISH RIVER.  H&G 1a.SOUTH AFRICA - 1913 1d red PSE used locally ay FISH RIVER. H&G 1a.

1913 1d red on cream postal stationery envelope (size b) addressed locally (curved flap) cancelled by s/r FISH RIVER cds dated MR.26.14 with CRADDOCK transit cds alongside. H&G 1a.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1930 1d red PSC to UK used at DYNAMITE FACTORY.SOUTH AFRICA - 1930 1d red PSC to UK used at DYNAMITE FACTORY.

1930 1d red postal stationery postcard (H&G 7a) addressed to UK cancelled by DYNAMITE FACTORY cds dated 28.APR.22. and being underpaid having octagonal 'T/10c' tax mark applied.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 1/2d SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 1/2d 'Official' pair on EMPIRE EXHIBITION cover with label.

1936 (10.IX.) cover addressed to Southern Rhodesia bearing a 1/2d 'spingbok' OFFICIAL pair (SG 07) tied in combination with the EXPIRE EXHIBITION label by EMPIRE EXHIBITION JOHANESSBURG/THE GOLDEN CITY roller strike.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1943 aerogramme with original envelope from MOOI RIVER/NATAL.SOUTH AFRICA - 1943 aerogramme with original envelope from MOOI RIVER/NATAL.

1943 (13.6.) use of original photographed aerogramme to UK from Mooi River, Natal and complete with original window envelope.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1949 registered cover to UK used on SOUTH AFRICA - 1949 registered cover to UK used on 'SAR-SAS JOHANNESBURG' railways.

1949 MAY..4.) registered cover to UK bearing 1d 'ship' and 1 1/2d 'settlers' block of four on front and additional block on reverse side tied by SAR-SAS/JOHANNESBURG cds's. Violet boxed R/SAR/JOHANNESBURG/No… registered h/s on front.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1953 9d rate cover to UK used at DYNAMITE FACTORY.SOUTH AFRICA - 1953 9d rate cover to UK used at DYNAMITE FACTORY.

1953 (JAN.5.) cover addressed to UK (ex part of reverse flap) bearing 3d and 6d adhesives tied DYNAMITE FACTORY.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1918 SOUTH AFRICA - 1918 'PASSED BY CENSOR 21/6' registered cover to Denmark used at PRETORIA.

1918 (AP.6.) registered cover addressed to Denmark (scarce) bearing 1/2d and 6d 'head' adhesives tied by oval REGISTERED/PRETORIA cancels with red on white OPENED BY CENSOR/21 label and struck on front by blue circular PASSED/21/6/CENSOR h/s.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1921 2s rate cover to UK used at PREMIER MINE.SOUTH AFRICA - 1921 2s rate cover to UK used at PREMIER MINE.

1921 (JUN.10.) cover addressed to UK bearing 2d 'head' adhesive tied by PREMIER MINE cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1925 8d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1925 8d rate 'RAILWAY LETTER POST' cover to Cape Town.

1925 (NOV.11.) cover addressed to Cape Town bearing 2d and 6d 'head' adhesives tied by violet oval d/r 'SAR' railway cancel with scarce black on white (T 110.) RAILWAY LETTER POST label at left. Some light tone spots and with CAPE TOWN arrival cancel.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 6d rate cover to UK used at STATE MINES.SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 6d rate cover to UK used at STATE MINES.

1936 (NOV.10.) cover addressed to UK bearing 6d adhesive tied STATE MINES.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 'Jipex' postcard to Belgium depicting 'GPO Sorting Office'.

1936 blue 'Jipex' commemoration postcard depicting 'Air Mail Section, GPO, Johannesburg' on the reverse. The card is addressed to Belgium with 1/2d 'Springbok' cancelled by special Exhibition cds but on arrival the card has been re-addressed to UK with Belgium 50c and 1f adhesives added and tied BRUSSELS. A nice re-directional use of this card.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 'Jipex' postcard to S.Rhodesia depicting 'Rand Airport'.

1936 blue 'Jipex' commemoration postcard depicting 'Rand Airport SAA ' on the reverse. The card is addressed to Southern Rhodesia with 1/2d 'Springbok' cancelled by special Exhibition cds dated 13.I.37.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 'Jipex' postcard to Canada depicting 'Rand Airport'.

1936 blue 'Jipex' commemoration postcard depicting 'Rand Airport SAA ' on the reverse. The card is addressed to Canada with 1/2d 'Springbok' cancelled by special Exhibition cds dated 14.XI.36.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 SOUTH AFRICA - 1936 'Jipex' postcard to Columbia depicting 'Delivery of mails at Rand Airport'.

1936 blue 'Jipex' commemoration postcard depicting 'Delivery of mails at Rand Airport ' on the reverse. The card is addressed to Columbia with 1/2d 'Springbok' cancelled by special Exhibition cds dated 16.I.37.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate 'TRANSVAAL/TPO SOUTH 4' cover to Johannesburg.

1947 (MAR.30.) cover addressed locally bearing 1d pair tied TRANSVAAL/TPO SOUTH 4 cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate 'TPO SOUTH/1' cover to Johannesburg.

1947 (APR.6.) cover addressed to Johannesburg bearing 1d adhesive pair tied TPO SOUTH/1.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1947 2d rate 'WESTERN TPO 2' cover to Johannesburg.

1947 (FEB.12.) cover addressed to Johannesburg bearing 2d adhesive tied WESTERN/T.P.O. 2.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1951 SOUTH AFRICA - 1951 'SAR & H/ALBERT FALLS 953' railway cover to Natal.

1951 (1.XII.) cover addressed to Natal (opened on three sides) bearing 1/2d, 1 1/2d and 2d adhesives tied by ALBERT FALLS cds's with red on cream RAIL LETTER POST label on reverse side tied by scarce 'SAR & H/ALBERT FALLS 953' cancels.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 2d rate underpaid cover to Italy struck RETURNED FROM ABROAD WITHOUT REASON h/s.SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 2d rate underpaid cover to Italy struck RETURNED FROM ABROAD WITHOUT REASON h/s.

1917 (AUG.20.) cover addressed to Italy bearing 1d 'head' adhesive pair tied by PORT ELIZABETH roller strike but under paid and having octagonal 'T/60c' tax mark applied. The cover could not be delivered and has violet boxed RETURNED FROM ABROAD WITHOUT A/REASON FOR NON DELIVERY h/s applied with 'Returned' manuscriptly crossed through and 'Received' added in red pen. Red RETURN TO SENDER BY/ADDRESS SHOWN ON COVER/FROM R.L.O.CAPE TOWN strike below and with RETUIRNED L.O./CAPE TOWN b/s. The cover is somewhat aged having G.R. crowned OFFICIALLY SEALED IN THE /RETURNED LETTER SECTION/LONDON POSTAL SERVICE label applied at left and OFFICIALLY SEALED (small type) label at right.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1918 4d uprated RPSE struck SOUTH AFRICA - 1918 4d uprated RPSE struck 'POSTED OUT OF COURSE'. H&G 2a.

1918 4d deep blue on cream registered postal stationery envelope (size G) addressed to Bulawayo & bearing additional 1d 'head' & triangular 4d adhesives tied DURBAN & dated 19.FEB.26. (small fault to flap from opening) & with scarce boxed POSTED OUT OF COURSE/TOO PAY h/s on reverse. REG/BULAWAYO/S.RHODESIA arrival cds dated 23.FEB.26. H&G 2a.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 1d rate under paid postcard to USA struck SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 1d rate under paid postcard to USA struck 'INSUFFICIENTLY PAID'.

1923 (JUN.15.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Rickshas and Pullers, South Africa' bearing 1d 'head' adhesive tied DURBAN and struck at left by violet boxed INSUFFICIENTLY PAID bilingual instructional handstamp with two US 1c postage dues applied on arrival.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1928 8d rate registered local cover from PRETORIA struck SOUTH AFRICA - 1928 8d rate registered local cover from PRETORIA struck 'AVIS DE RECEPTION'.

1928 (SEP.10.) registered cover addressed to Boksburg bearing 'Suid Afrika' 2d pictorial and 6d 'orange tree' adhesive singles (roughly opened at left) tied by PRETORIA cds with BOKSBURG arrival cds below. Struck at left by scarce AVIS RECEPTION instructional h/s in black with the cover not delivered marked in red manuscript 'Gone/No/Address' and returned.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1928 undelivered local 1d rate cover from KRUGERDORP struck SOUTH AFRICA - 1928 undelivered local 1d rate cover from KRUGERDORP struck 'INCONNU/UNKNOWN'.

1928 (FE.10) local cover bearing ship 1d tied KRUGERDORP with superb violet three lined INCONNU/UNKNOWN/ONBEKEND h/s. Central fold and edge tear.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1914 1d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1914 1d rate 'Military Prisoner Camp' mail cover used at MISGUNST.

1914 (DE.3.) cover addressed to the Prisoners Camp at Pietersburg bearing 1d 'head' adhesive tied by MISGUNST cds. Sent to a Reverend based at the WW1 Prison Camp. Black on pink PASSED BY CENSOR label at top edge.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 1d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 1d rate 'Military Prisoner Camp' mail cover used at IMPOLWENI.

1915 (FE.2.) cover addressed to the Military Prisoners Camp at Maritzburg bearing 1d 'head' adhesive tied by IMPOLWENI cds. Sent from the Theological College at Impolweni in Natal to a Reverend based at the WW1 Prison Camp. Black on bright pink PASSED BY CENSOR label at top edge. A scarce item.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1944 1d SOUTH AFRICA - 1944 1d 'FOR OUR ALLY/MEDICAL AIR FOR RUSSIA' patriotic mint sheet of ten.

1944 (circa) 1d red 'FOR OUR ALLY/MEDICAL AIR FOR RUSSIA' patriotic label in a fine original sheetlet of ten as issued on gummed paper. Scarce pane still intact.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1960SOUTH AFRICA - 1960's 50c (value only) IMPERFORATE PROOF block of four for the SAS-SAR/PARCEL STAMP.

1960's 50c black overprint for the 'S.A.R./PARCEL STAMP' of RSA on white ungummed paper. Some light surface marks. Unusual.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1960SOUTH AFRICA - 1960's 'SAR-SAS/PARCEL STAMP' pair in greenish blue and WITHOUT VALUE.

1960's 'SAR-SAS/PARCEL STAMP' printed in pale greenish blue on gummed perforated paper in a fine mint pair WITHOUT VALUE or station initials.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1914 1d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1914 1d rate 'OPENED BY CENSOR' cover to Natal.

1914 cover addressed to Natal bearing 1d 'head' adhesive with scarcer black on pink OPENED BY CENSOR label applied at top edge and cancelled on front on arrival by LADYSMITH/NATAL cds dated 19.NO.14.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1941 1 1/2d (x2) meter mark censored cover to USA used at DURBAN.SOUTH AFRICA - 1941 1 1/2d (x2) meter mark censored cover to USA used at DURBAN.

1941 (28.II.) use of 1 1/2d red meter mark (x2) cover to USA with red on cream OPENED BY CENSOR label at left edge used at DURBAN.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1912 1d (Transvaal) rate postcard use to UK struck POSTED LATE. SOUTH AFRICA - 1912 1d (Transvaal) rate postcard use to UK struck POSTED LATE.

1912 coloured picture postcard of Town Hall at Durban addressed to UK handstamped in black POSTED LATE. The card bears Transvaal 1d (SG 274) manuscriptly cancelled DURBAN/NATAL & then cancelled by d/r DURBAN/NATAL cds dated FE.18.12. Unusual item.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1928 GB 1d rate postcard use to USA cancelled CAPETOWN/PAQUEBOT.SOUTH AFRICA - 1928 GB 1d rate postcard use to USA cancelled CAPETOWN/PAQUEBOT.

1928 (MAR.1.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA bearing 'GB' 1 1/2d adhesive tied by CAPETOWN/PAQUEBOT cds.


1942 (JUN.8.) use of (T.27) red on cream POST OFFICE TELEGRAM form to Durban cancelled by TELEPHONE OFFICE/DURBAN cds and complete with original envelope similarly cancelled.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 2 1/2d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 2 1/2d rate 'DES PRISONNIERS DE GUERRE' censored cover to Switzerland.

1917 (MR.3.) cover addressed to Switzerland bearing 1/2d and 2d adhesives cancelled CAMBRIDGE with red on cream OPENED BY CENSOR/99 label at top edge with violet PASSED CENSOR/ C.14 h/s applied. Blue COMITE INTERNATIONAL DE LA CROIX ROUGE strike applied on arrival with boxed VENDUR PAR/L'AGENCE INTERNATIONAL/DES PRISONNIERS DE GUERE strike for prisoner of war mails.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 use of 1/2d green PSC from with scarce BUSINESS AS USUAL patriotic label.SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 use of 1/2d green PSC from with scarce BUSINESS AS USUAL patriotic label.

1915 (JUN.18.) use of 1/2d green postal stationery postcard addressed locally and cancelled by PORT ELIZABETH/3 cds with very scarce 'Union Jack' BUSINESS AS USUAL patriotic label at lower left.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1938 3d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1938 3d rate 'INSPECTORS OFFICE/SAR & H/JOH'BURG' rail letter cover.

1938 (DEC.29.) cover addressed to Bloemfontein bearing 1d 'ship' (x3) adhesives tied by oval INSPECTORS OFFICE/SAR & H/JOH'BURG STATION with red on cream RAIL LETTER POST label on reverse side similarly cancelled. A nice railway use.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1920 1d + 1d DIAGONALLY BI-SECTED local SOUTH AFRICA - 1920 1d + 1d DIAGONALLY BI-SECTED local '1/2d shortage' cover used at LADYSMITH.

1920 (JUL.28.) cover addressed to Durban bearing 1d red 'head' in joined pair with a further example DIAGONALLY BI-SECTED to make up the 1 1/2d rate during the 1/2d shortage period cancelled by LADYSMITH/NATAL cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 1d SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 1d 'Springbok' Harrison ESSAY printed in carmine.

1923 1d 'Springbok' Harrison ESSAY printed in carmine on un-gummed perforated paper.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 1d SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 1d 'Springbok' Harrison ESSAY printed in carmine & green.

1923 1d 'Springbok' Harrison ESSAY printed in carmine & green on gummed perforated paper.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 1d SOUTH AFRICA - 1923 1d 'Springbok' Harrison ESSAY printed in purple & blue.

1923 1d 'Springbok' Harrison ESSAY printed in purple & blue on gummed perforated paper.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1943 censored SOUTH AFRICA - 1943 censored 'POW' internee postcard use to Germany.

1943 (28.OUT.) use of green on cream 'blank' type postcard addressed to Germany from a inmate of the Pretoria Internment Camp marked 'Interiertensen dung Germany' and cancelled by violet oval OFFICIAL FREE/PRETORIA/INTERNMENT CAMP cachet with violet PASSED BY CENSOR h/s applied and crested 'E' strike clearance.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1950 use of 10/- + £5 (x2) REVENUES on SOUTH AFRICA - 1950 use of 10/- + £5 (x2) REVENUES on 'Deed Of Transfer' document.

1950 (1.2.) use of 'Deed Of Transfer' document bearing 10/- purple and £5 blue (x2) 'KGVI' REVENUE adhesives (Barefoot and Hall 76+79) tied by REGISTRATION OF DEEDS d/r cancels.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1952 2/6d violet  SOUTH AFRICA - 1952 2/6d violet 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

1952 2/6d violet 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

SOUTHAFRICA - 1954 6d grey SOUTHAFRICA - 1954 6d grey 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

1954 6d grey 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1954 1/- violet SOUTH AFRICA - 1954 1/- violet 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

1954 1/- violet 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1955 1/-  violet  SOUTH AFRICA - 1955 1/- violet 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

1955 1/- violet 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

SOUTHAFRICA - 1961 5c and 10c  SOUTHAFRICA - 1961 5c and 10c 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

1961 5c and 10c 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1960 6d and 1/-  SOUTH AFRICA - 1960 6d and 1/- 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.

1960 6d and 1/- 'Xmas' BOOKLET contain 'TB' stamps.


1950 (16.X.) illustrated cover addressed to Johannesburg bearing 1d 'ship' pair tied in combination with Israeli black perforated label and struck at left by violet boxed POSTED AT ISRAEL CAVALCADE/STAMP EXHIBITION/Oct 14th-19th 1950 cachet.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1939 local SOUTH AFRICA - 1939 local 'Surface Mail' JOHANNESBURG '0/1' meter mark cover.

1939 (10.III.) stampless cover addressed to Salisbury cancelled by red SOUTH AFRICA/ 0/1 / POSTAGE PAID u70 METER cancellator of JOHANNESBURG with red SURFACE/MAIL at left.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1938 SOUTH AFRICA - 1938 'NON EUROPEAN OFFICE PRETORIA' registered cover to Tanganyika.

1938 registered cover addressed to Tanganyika bearing 1d 'ship' block of four and 1 1/2d 'Suid' single tied by rather indistinct NELSPRUIT s/r cds but with NON EUROPEAN OFFICE/PRETORIA (bilingual) registered boxed h/s struck below in violet.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1937 2/- rate local cover used at MOBILE P.O./JOHANNESBURG.SOUTH AFRICA - 1937 2/- rate local cover used at MOBILE P.O./JOHANNESBURG.

1937 (31.1.) cover addressed to Pretoria bearing 1/- 'pictorial' horizontal pair (SG 48) tied by scarcer MOBILE P.O./JOHANNESBURG bilingual d/r cds.


1935 (AUG.2.) cover addressed to USA bearing Suid Afrika 6d 'orange tree' adhesive single tied by JOHANNESBURG/TUBERCULOSIS FUND bi-lingual slogan strike with the airmail cancelled by red barred transmission lines and struck by scarcer INSUFFICIENTLY PAID FOR AIR MAIL/ BEYOND LONDON instructional handstamp.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1941 SOUTH AFRICA - 1941 'DURBAN/RELEASED BY CENSOR' incoming cover from China.

1941 inward cover from China (light creases but scarce origin during WW2) struck on receipt by red DURBAN/RELEASED BY CENSOR handstamp. A very scarce instructional strike.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1952 6d orange, 1/- brown and 2/6d violet XMAS SOUTH AFRICA - 1952 6d orange, 1/- brown and 2/6d violet XMAS 'TB' stamp booklets.

1952 6d orange, 1/- brown and 2/6d violet XMAS 'TB' stamp booklets complete.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1913 1d red PSE to Switzerland with SOUTH AFRICA - 1913 1d red PSE to Switzerland with 'PASSED CENSOR 21/1' h/s. H&G 1.

1913 1d red (type a) postal stationery envelope with poined flap addressed to Switzerland and bearing additional 1/2d and 1d adhesives tied JOHANNESBURG/S.AFRICA and dated 12.MR.17. Red on white OPENED BY CENSOR/21 bilingual censor label at left and struck on the front by violet circular PASSED/ 21-1 / CENSOR h/s. H&G 1.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1958 1/- SOUTH AFRICA - 1958 1/- 'Postage Due' block of 30 used at SOUTRIVER. SG D44.

1958 1/- black-brown and purpler-brown 'Postage Due' in a fine used right hand marginal block of 30 (6x5) with upright watermark and hyphenated Suid Afrika cancelled by d/r SOUTRIVER cds's dated 24.VIII.60. A scarce and attractive multiple. SG D44.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 1d rate SOUTH AFRICA - 1915 1d rate 'PASSED CENSOR' postcard use to USA used at UMKOMAAS.

1915 (APR.27.) use of picture postcard addressed to USA depicting 'Durban from the Berea' bearing 1d 'head' adhesive tied UMKOMAAS and struck at lower left by violet straight lined PASSED CENSOR h/s.


1934 (MAR.12.) cover addressed to India bearing 1/- (Suid Afrika) single pictorial adhesive tied by PORT ELIZABETH cds and struck at left by scarce violet two lined INSUFFICIENTLY PAID FOR AIR MAIL/BEYOND KARACHI.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1938 inward underpaid postcard from Austria with 2d SOUTH AFRICA - 1938 inward underpaid postcard from Austria with 2d 'Postage Due' applied.

1938 inward picture postcard from Austria being underpaid having manuscript 'T22c' marking with 2d 'Postage Due' added on arrival (SG D36) tied by scarcer DEPOT/RONDEPOSCH cds dated 11.JUL.38.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1940 inward SOUTH AFRICA - 1940 inward 'CAPETOWN/RELEASED BY CENSOR' cover from UK.

1940 (JLY.8.) cover addressed to 'H.M.T. Aquitania' at London bearing GB 2 1/2d 'Centenary' adhesive cancelled on arrival at STRANRAER and having previously struck by red double lined CAPETOWN/RELEASED BY CENSOR handstamp. Little type 9a. A very rare marking.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1943 SOUTH AFRICA - 1943 'DURBAN/PAID' use of postcard to UK.

1943 (MAR.2.) use of picture postcard addressed to UK depicting 'West Street-Durban' and struck by scarce DURBAN/PAID roller strike in red ink.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1941 SOUTH AFRICA - 1941 'AIRMAIL SUSPENDED' censored cover to USA.

1941 (24.II) cover to USA bearing 3d+1/- singles (SG type 12+13) tied by JOHANNESBURG roller slogan strike with red on white bilingual censor strip at left & with violet s/l AIRMAIL SUSPENDED instructional h/s.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1939 TELEGRAM envelope used at TELEGRAPH OFFICE/DURBAN with original telegram.SOUTH AFRICA - 1939 TELEGRAM envelope used at TELEGRAPH OFFICE/DURBAN with original telegram.

1939 (DEC.24.) use of black on orange-buff TELEGRAM envelope cancelled TELEGRAPH OFFICE/ DURBAN and complete with original(T.27.) telegraph form similarly struck.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1954 definitive first day cover used at KRUGER NATIONAL PARK.SOUTH AFRICA - 1954 definitive first day cover used at KRUGER NATIONAL PARK.

1954 (OCT.14.) illustrated definitive series (SG 151-164) first day cover to Pretoria cancelled by special KRUGER NATIONAL PARK cds.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 1/2d green PSC unused.  H&G 4.SOUTH AFRICA - 1917 1/2d green PSC unused. H&G 4.

1917 1/2d green on cream postal stationery postcard in fine unused condition. H&G 4.

SOUTH AFRICA - 1920 1 1/2d orange-brown postal stationery letter card unused.  H&G 2.SOUTH AFRICA - 1920 1 1/2d orange-brown postal stationery letter card unused. H&G 2.

1920 1 1/2d orange brown on greyish postal stationery letter card in fine unused condition. H&G 2.
